The truth about raw almond regulations

For three years, a group of almond growers have been fighting to keep their products unadulterated! Did you know the almond growers in the USA are currently required to sterilize their almonds either through steaming, irradiation, roasting, or treating them with propylene oxide, a known carcinogen that’s been banned in the EU. Treated almonds can still be called “raw,” meaning health-conscious consumers who want unadulterated food are more or less being duped.

Good News: An exemption was made for small-scale growers.

Bad News: They were forbidden from saying their almonds hadn’t been treated.

Finally, these growers have won the right to take their challenge to federal court. They’ll be able to argue why the regulation should be thrown out, and it could mean big things for theĀ  health of raw almonds if it is.

Stay tuned for the latest in the raw nut world!


The Dirty Dozen of Produce

Wouldn’t you like to know which type of produce has the highest pesticide residues? Here is a useful tool for shopping produce items. The following list from the Environmental Working Group will help you to know which items are a must when choosing to buy or not buy organic.

12 Most Contaminated Produce Items:

Peaches, Apples, Sweet Bell Peppers, Celery, Nectarines, Strawberries, Cherries, Pears, Grapes, Spinach, Lettuce, Potatoes


Alkaline balance is very important for overall health

Did you know an underlying metabolic acidity is a factor to many autoimmune and degenerative diseases?! Alkaline balance is very important for overall health. When we have metabolic acidosis, it can have a severe impact on our health including interference with cell metabolism, impaired energy production, increase in free radical production, loss of bone mineral, loss of muscle mass, a reduction in growth hormones, and the development of kidney stones. The restoration of an alkaline state is essential to overall bone health, proper immune system function, and overall cellular health. Our bodies function at their best in an alkaline environment. Our standard American diet and toxic exposures all around us unfortunately contribute to a great deal of acid in the body.

Our bodies can utilize alkaline-forming foods to help buffer acids. Many of these can be obtained by eating a diet rich in healthy oils (good fats), fruits, and vegetables. When alkaline-forming foods are metabolized, they have the ability to accept hydrogen ions which reduce the acid load and in turn restore alkaline balance in the body.

Recommendations for alkaline-forming foods include:

Coconuts, coconut oil, olive oil, blueberries, apples, grapefruit, avocado, avocado oil, olives, lemons, blackberries, limes, strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, cucumbers, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, mustard greens, kale, winter squash, asparagus, eggplant, summer squash, zucchini, cod liver oil, onions, flax oil, celery, collard greens, endive, broccoli, and cabbage.


Toxic Beauty

Have you ever really looked at the ingredient list in your beauty products? If you do, you’ll probably be surprised at the length of the list and the fact that you cannot pronounce most of the ingredients and have no idea what they are. That’s because many of them are toxic chemicals. Personal care products are a HUGE source of toxic chemicals in our daily lives. If you wouldn’t put something in your mouth, then you certainly should not put it on your skin. The skin on our bodies is our largest organ and has a very high absorption rate… meaning it absorbs what you put on it directly into the body.

Take the next step in minimizing your toxic exposure by making changes in your beauty product routine. A great link for learning about healthy product options is the skin deep site:

Skin Deep