Grainless Granola Breakfast Recipe

This recipe is one of my favorites, it can replace that “quick cereal” type of breakfast and you can make it ahead of time and store in your pantry.

1/4 cup Organic Whole Flaxseeds

1/4 cup Organic Raw Almonds (or any other organic nut variety)

1/4 cup Raw Sunflower Seeds (or sesame seeds)

1/4 cup Raw Coconut Flakes, Unsweetened

Stevia and Cinnamon to taste

~Mix all ingredients (except stevia and cinnamon) in a blender or food processor (I throw everything into my Vitamix) and turn on low speed to chop up the nuts, seeds, and coconut.  Make sure to leave some texture and larger pieces for that added crunch. Then add in stevia and cinnamon (start with a small amount and slowly add it to your preference). Turn on blender for a few more quick burst and then it’s ready to serve or store.

Pour into a glass dish and store in pantry.

To serve… Take approximately a 1/2 cup of the mixture and pour in a bowl. Then add in approximately 1/2 cup of unsweetened coconut milk, unsweetened almond milk, or unsweetened hemp milk and enjoy like a cold cereal! Can also add in 1/4 cup berries for added antioxidant benefits. I especially enjoy this with organic blueberries added in.


Gluten free Brownies

I absolutely LOVE this new Cellular Healing Diet recipe, and so does my 7 year old daughter. She is still amazed that you cannot even taste the black beans in it. It’s so easy to make too! If you have a vitamix, throw all the ingredients in and blend on medium until well mixed.

Black Bean Brownies:
1 can black beans, drained
1/2 cup raw organic cocoa powder
4 Tbls organic coconut oil
1/2 cup xylitol
2 tsp stevia powder
1 tsp organic vanilla extract
3 large organic free range eggs
1/2 cup vanilla whey protein powder (recommend Paleomeal)
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup water

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Blend all ingredients together. Grease brownie pan with a little coconut oil. Pour mixture into pan and bake for 25-30 minutes.

*Can add chopped organic walnuts or pecans on top or organic dark chocolate shavings for extra flavor! Enjoy!!!


New Year’s Resolution Idea: I’ll “MEAL” Well

Most New Year’s Resolutions start off with some type of diet and/or exercise regiment for most people… but how many really stick to it? How long before they fall off their planned course of action? Usually within the first few weeks, statistically speaking.

So what can you do about it? Here’s an idea, make 2012 the year of eating well. You can apply this concept to your entire family: We’ll “MEAL” well together!

This is a lifestyle change versus a fad diet that you will only stay on for a few weeks. You can work together with your family to make basic lifestyle changes in your regular MEALS to dramatically change your health and your life. Did you know over 80% of the diseases we see today are “Lifestyle Diseases”. This means that over 80% of the diseases are preventable with proper lifestyle choices. Who’s in charge of this prevention? YOU ARE!!!

What can you do right now? Starting TODAY?! You can make three basic MEAL planning changes with your family. Here’s where you start:

Change #1) Get rid of the bad fats, replace them with the Good Fats! What are the bad fats you might be asking? They are the man-made fats such as hydrogenated oils and trans-fats. They also include rancid oils such as soybean oil, corn oil, canola oil, and vegetable oil. Healthy options include: Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, and Grapeseed Oil.

Change #2) Change the meats that you eat. This is the number one place to spend the extra money on organic, free-range, grass-fed meat and poultry varieties. Remember, if it comes from a sick animal, what quality of product are you getting? 

Change #3) Remove all the refined sugar from your diet.  Our packaged, processed, and convenient foods are loaded with not only preservatives and bad oils/fats, but they also have huge amounts of sugars in them, with high fructose corn syrup being the worst!

To learn more about these Nutrition changes and to get assistance with incorporating these into your daily “MEAL Well” planning, sign up for a nutrition consultation with a Registered Dietitian from TMIhealth. You can submit your request at: Nutrition Consultation Request


What’s really being added to your water supply?

My family has worked very hard to deliver the safest and healthiest water to our home. We have done a great deal of research on the toxins in our city water supply and best ways to eliminate them. We ultimately decided on a whole house water filtration system. This way we are washing, bathing, cooking with and drinking the cleanest water possible. We also added a reverse osmosis system to our kitchen area for drinking water. Here is a great video and article regarding toxins in our water supply by Dr. Mercola. Please take a look and help bring your family safer water: Flouride in your water


Find Raw Milk!

Due to labeling laws in many states, it is difficult to find and purchase pure Raw Milk. Here are some resources for you:

South FL: BM Organics in Ft. Lauderdale- Join their farm fresh club to gain access to raw cow milk and raw goat milk products. I just purchased raw goat milk, raw goat milk kefir, and raw cow milk cottage cheese this week! BMorganics

Source Raw Milk in your area! Use this website to find raw milk in your city: Find Real Milk near you!

Join the advocacy resource for Raw Milk: Raw Milk Resources

Are you still uncertain as to the benefits of raw milk? Benefits of Raw Milk

Learn more and educate yourself on the benefits of raw milk and the truth about what pasteurization does to our dairy supply.