Grainless Granola Breakfast Recipe

This recipe is one of my favorites, it can replace that “quick cereal” type of breakfast and you can make it ahead of time and store in your pantry.

1/4 cup Organic Whole Flaxseeds

1/4 cup Organic Raw Almonds (or any other organic nut variety)

1/4 cup Raw Sunflower Seeds (or sesame seeds)

1/4 cup Raw Coconut Flakes, Unsweetened

Stevia and Cinnamon to taste

~Mix all ingredients (except stevia and cinnamon) in a blender or food processor (I throw everything into my Vitamix) and turn on low speed to chop up the nuts, seeds, and coconut.  Make sure to leave some texture and larger pieces for that added crunch. Then add in stevia and cinnamon (start with a small amount and slowly add it to your preference). Turn on blender for a few more quick burst and then it’s ready to serve or store.

Pour into a glass dish and store in pantry.

To serve… Take approximately a 1/2 cup of the mixture and pour in a bowl. Then add in approximately 1/2 cup of unsweetened coconut milk, unsweetened almond milk, or unsweetened hemp milk and enjoy like a cold cereal! Can also add in 1/4 cup berries for added antioxidant benefits. I especially enjoy this with organic blueberries added in.